You just got a bike, now what?!

Getting a new bike is awesome and exciting and to help keep the psyched up feeling going here are some new bike owner tips!

Your very first step should be to record your bikes serial number. This will be a huge help in the unfortunate event your bike is stolen. 


Accessories that will enhance your ride and help keep you safe

Bike pump

Your tires will lose pressure over time and you’ll want to make sure you are within the recommended PSI for the tire. This is embossed on the tire itself. There will be a minimum and maximum range and you’ll want to stay within those parameters. Checking your tires for pressure everytime you ride is a great practice and it will set you up for the best tire performance possible. 


You might be a rider that doesn’t plan to be out riding at night but as we all know life happens. It is good to be prepared with at least a basic set of front and rear bike lights. These are small and can be thrown in a backpack or back pocket if you are worried about them getting stolen off of your bike. 


I know this one might seem obvious but I gotta mention it! Purchasing a helmet is great but also make sure to get the sizing right. Most helmet manufacturers will have detailed sizing guides with measurements to allow you to get the best fit. Steal the tape measure from your family's sewing kit and measure away. If your helmet fits well you’ll wear it more! 

Extra tube/Patch kit

Getting a flat on a long ride with an extra tube or patch can be a bit of a bummer but getting a flat on a long ride without either can be a straight up catastrophe. An extra tube is usually the best option but if you’re low on space a patch kit might get you out of a serious pickle. 

Bike Lock 

Getting your bike stolen can be soul crushing. To protect your investment make sure to pick up a lock! We generally suggest u-locks. Learn the best way to lock up your steed.


Resources for riding safely

If you are not familiar with riding in traffic or on the road at all here are some resources for getting you off on the best foot.

Local Cycling Laws

Laws can differ from state to state and city to city. For example the “Idaho stop” (Which is legal in other states other than Idaho) allows cyclists to treat stop signs like yield signs. Make sure to check your local laws to ensure that you are abiding by the traffic laws of your area. 

Hand Signals

While not all motorists are great with remembering what these hand signals mean (usually on the written test) it tells the cars around you that you are about to do something which can help keep you safe. I usually find myself pointing to the lane I am trying to move into before moving over especially when moving to a center left turn lane.


Left turns

We did a blog a while back that goes over this in detail.



Group rides

Cycling on your own is fun and all but riding in a group can be a blast! If you are new to riding it can help boost your confidence and experienced riders will generally have some tips and tricks for ya! Of course COVID-19 has changed the way we ride in groups but rides are still being held! Just make sure you are following the rules of the ride when it comes to social distancing. 

If you have any questions or feel we left any important info out shoot us an email at



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