Riders of the Week

The National Bike Challenge is just around the corner and all over the world Pure Cycles peeps were hitting the streets, working out the kinks, and getting into ride shape for summer. The awesome #purefix pics were aplenty and we've got four brand new Riders of the Week to crown, let's check 'em out!

@kat_aattaacckk took her Romeo for a sunny spin around Memphis, @ruth.b.gins had her Jefferson inspected by some friendly, furry mechanics, @luisglzlira and his November struck a trackstand for the camera in Mexico City, and @tonit0ni snapped his Kilo catching some rays in Canada.

Ready to show off your ride right here? Hop on your bike, hit the road, and take and tag your best #purefix pics for your chance to be one of next week's winning riders!

Happy riding, and enjoy your weekend!

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