Photo Challenge: Fall Colors - Vote for Your Fave!

With fall fading fast, it's always amazing to look back at the way the changing leaves and colorful canopies liven up the rides and routes we've taken a thousand times before. We asked to see your best and bikiest #FixedFall pics and the submissions were spectacular. We've rounded up the best of the best right here, and now it's time for you to vote one lucky instagrammer all the way to the top!

Our winner will take home the bragging rights, the title, and a goodie bag full of fall-ready gear like Lucetta lights, a Clug rack, and our very own mini-fender

Check out the nominees now, vote for your favorite, and we'll announce the winner right here on Wednesday!


If you're in the running, spread the word! Rally your crew to drive you to the top and score you those fresh fall freebies. 

And if you're ready to try your hand at the next competition, stay tuned. We'll roll out a new Photo Challenge, theme and prize next week too, and hopefully you'll be headed into 2017 with some goodies of your own!

Good luck!

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