Photo Challenge: Every Day Carry II

As we get deeper in to the dog days of Summer, the opportunities for adventure are sprouting up everywhere and the only difference between having the best day ever and going bust is being prepared for whatever the world can throw your way! We want to see how you stay ready for anything on the road, and the essentials that you never leave home without. It's a brand new Photo Challenge!

Bicycle EDC

This month's theme is Every Day Carry.


The Paloma Handlebar Bag from our friends at Swift Industries 

How to Enter:

1 - Follow @purecycles.
2 - Upload a photo of what you carry every day.
3 - Tag @purecycles in your photo.
4 - Use hashtag #purecyclesEDC

In 4 weeks you'll vote on the top pics and crown next winner! One lucky photog will get their new Paloma Handlebar Bag stuffed full of Pure Cycles goodies, be highlighted right here on the Pure Cycles blog and Instagram!

If you need a refresher on how to get a great shot of your bike, read up. Then grab your bag, hit the road, and show us what you've got!

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