New Fall Hotness

The sun's spending more and more time below the horizon each morning (and crashing earlier and earlier each night too), and that means one thing: it's finally Fall! And with all things Autumn picking up steam, it's the perfect time to prep-your bike life for the coming cold, increasing darkness, heading back to school, and whatever else Fall means in your neck of the woods! Lucky for you, we just got a brand new batch of season-ready gear to help make your Fall transition more pedal-able. Let's jump in!


If Fall for you means chilly fingers, cold steel, and thick gloves, we've got a brand new ride that's right up your alley: the Abaco! The newest inductee to our Coaster Series, Abaco is a simple, stylish singlespeed with a coaster brake so you don't need to take off those big, comfy mittens to ride. Perfect for quick trips through the brisk autumn air to the coffee shop, cozy corner market, or even the beach to fake those instagram shots you never got around to this Summer.


And if Autumn and Winter turn your commutes into dark and dreary drudges - we've got some new NiteRider sweetness that'll brighten your day right up! Two new light combos, from the insanely powerful Lumina 900 (with 900 lumens of photon-firing power), to the compact, but still blinding Lumina 550 - and both come with NiteRider's beloved Sabre 80 taillight, so you'll be visible from the front and back, no matter how dark your commutes get.

Road Runner

And if a return to Fall has meant a return to school (or you just need a new bag), we're pumped to finally be stocking the freshness from Road Runner, right here in LA! RR's been hand-making bags for the cycling scene for years, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a local rider who hasn't owned and loved at least one of their carry-alls. From burrito bags, to backpacks, to tuck-away totes, they make a little bit of everything - but they make it all awesome. For riders, by riders, and now, available wherever you are in the country,

So stock up for the season. And don't forget to start planning your Halloween costume, you've only got a couple weeks before the big day.

Happy riding. We'll see you out there.

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