Make the Most of Summer

The sun is scorching the streets, the guys pushing the ice cream carts are raking in the dough, and the parks are packed with people free from school (or ditching work). In other words, it's finally full-on Summer!

If you haven't snagged any radness from the Summer Sale yet, get on it! And if you still haven't been riding, what're you waiting for?! In today's post we'll gather up all the knowledge you need to ride the heatwave without getting dragged under - let's dive in!

Beat the Heat

Staying cool on the road is a super important part of keeping your rides fun and your body happy. Summer dials the challenge up into the triple digits - making water, sun protection, apparel, and preparedness more important than ever. Lucky for you, we've got a handy guide to getting the most out of your gear and beating the heat on two wheels!

Your First Group Ride

Summer's also a great time to expand your social circle in the cycling world. New group rides seem to be popping up every day, long established routes hit their highest numbers as the temperatures climb, and there's no better time to make some friends to share your time in the saddle. If you're looking for a ride to join, we've got a great guide to doing your first group roll! Whether you join an existing ride or start your own, you'll never regret riding with a crew, because the only thing better than one bike is a lot of bikes.

Sunny Ride Savers

Did we mention that it's hot out? Hot enough that a little redundant info is better than forgetting to pack your agua, spares, or sunscreen! If the sun's really blazing down where you live, take a peek at our Sunny Ride Savers for some extra tips on taming that blazing explosion in the sky. Some of it will be stuff you've heard before, some of it'll be new, but they'll all make your life out of the shade a bit more bearable.

Pedalling Music

And lastly, no Summer ride is 100% right without your tunes of choice backing up your pedal pushing! Whether you're rockin' out on a party ride, riding out to the beach for a bonfire/hang, or just looking to get introspective and take your mind off the day-to-day doldrums - music makes it all work. Get the inside scoop on the best ways to add tunes to your rides and you'll never have to ride in silence again (unless you're into that).

And now your'e armed to tackle the sunny streets and hot asphalt. Put your new skills to the test by swinging by HQ for the Mini-Velo on Saturday, Draft next week, or both!

Happy riding. We'll see you out there.

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