Getting down to our Routes

Having a buddy drop by my place mid ride for a socially distanced beverage and convo about bikes got me thinking about my favorite places to ride in LA. While Los Angeles isn’t necessarily the most cycling friendly city out there it does have its bright spots. I thought it would be fun to take a roll down memory lane of some of the stretches of LA I’ve enjoyed riding most. Let's do it! First up…


Sunset Blvd 

A large stretch of Sunset has been in my work commute and it has a lot to offer.  Large parts have a bike lane and while it can get a bit chaotic at rush hour there are plenty of places to stop for a coffee and/or snack. You can also scope out some killer spots for your next night out! 


 LA River Bike Path

If you are looking to get some serious miles without distraction of stop lights/signals/cars the LA river bike path is a great option. In my opinion the early morning hours are the best time to ride this route. 




Ballona Creek Bike Path

This path offers some serious ocean breezes and chicken soup for the cyclist. Chill your vibe with an afternoon cruise on this route. 


Elysian Park

If you are looking to test your muscle on climbing Elysian park offers some great elevation changes without being boring or too extreme to a newer cyclist. There is also a gravel path on the other side of Stadium way to explore your off road chops. 


City of Irvine

Ok, I know this is technically LA county but if you find yourself a bit down south of LA then Irvine is one of the better built out SoCal cities for cycling. With plentiful on and off street bike lanes Irvine is a great city to hop on your bike and get anywhere in the city with relative ease. 


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