CicLAvia - Oct. 8

Seven years ago, the first CicLAvia took the LA streets by storm. Bike riders, rollers, and walkers gathered in the freshly closed boulevards to celebrate and explore the city from eye-level. Now, 20 CicLAvia's later, it's become an institution - and we can't wait to do it all again on Sunday!

On October 8th, LA's typically car-cluttered streets will become pedestrian playgrounds and bicycle boulevards! This time it's the fan-favorite "Heart of LA" route, so there'll be 6 miles to explore, from Mariachi Plaza all the way to Echo Park - and from Chinatown to Clifton's (Broadway / 7th). There'll be a ton to do and see. Food trucks, art, advocacy, and, as always, we'll be out with the Pure Cycles booth, cheering on riders, renting bikes, and enjoying a day in the car-free sunshine.

The streets are closed from 9am to 4pm, so roll out early and make a day of it! There are plenty of Metro stops on the route, so you can take the subway out if you live "too far" to ride, and with hubs at each of the route's endpoints - no matter where you arrive, you'll be right in the mix. It really is incredible how much more of the city you see and connect with once you're out from behind the windshield and don't have to spend all your attention avoiding distracted drivers.

It's sure to be another amazing Sunday. Ride happy, and we'll see you there!

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