Calling All Ballers!

Over here at Pure Fix, we love basketball almost as much as we love bikes, and with the NBA season kicking off, we're getting that itch to shoot some hoops ourselves!

We've always had a pretty state of the art basketball center here at HQ, but we're finally outgrowing it, so we're going to test the waters with some organized ball.  Cutting-edge facilities!We're fielding our first team for the BBA (Burbank Basketball Association, the NBA's unofficial local cousin) and that's where you come in!

We've still got 3 spots on the roster (they'll let us have up to 14 folks, so we figure we should fill it up!) and we're looking for any local Pure Fix riders, fans, or friends that want to play!

Remember that movie Invincible where Marky Mark tried out for the Eagles?  Exactly like this, but with basketball.This is just like that, but with a wider audience (and stickers/goodies instead of a pro salary).  Just imagine Mark's on a bike in that poster, and he's all basketball-y up top, instead of screaming like his helmet is crushing his head.

The league does have a few requirements (laaaaame, but I guess that's the organization part of organized sports) so let's get those out of the way:

- Location: 2 of the 3 new teammates will need to live or work in Burbank, CA.  We work here so we're all good, but the league is pretty strict about bringing ringers over from out of town, so preference will go to local folks to keep us in good standing with the league.

- Coed?: Unfortunately, no :(.  There aren't any weekday coed leagues, so for this round it'll be guys only.  Sorry ladies.

- Availability: There'll be 1 game each week (on a weekday, either 6p-8p, or 7p-9p) and play will start January 27th and go until some time in April).

- That's it!


There are already 66 teams in 10 divisions (based on competitiveness), so we're really excited to add ourselves to the mix and see where we shake out after the season!  If you're a swish specialist, passionate passer, or  just dabble in the dribble, shoot us an email at with:

- your name

- phone number

- work/residence city (ideally Burbank)

- position/s

- favorite song (for player intros, duh)

- any special talents/skills (maybe you've mastered the basketball equivalent of Keenan's knuckle-puck from Mighty Ducks 2, maybe you're the proud owner of the next Air Bud, or maybe you're crazy tall. We just don't want to miss out on a secret weapon because we forgot to ask).

We'll gather those up and, if we need to, we'll do a little tryout here at HQ!  Woohoo!

See you on the court!



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