Costume Contest!
Welcome to the first ever Pure Fix Halloween costume contest!
While Halloween crept up on a weekday this year, we couldn’t just ignore it and go about as though it were any regular Thursday. Instead, to rightfully honor the holiday, we decided to come to work in full costume and celebrate like we were twelve years old again.
But dressing up in costume didn’t seem like quite enough merriment. After all, Halloween is the most fun holiday of the year, right? Right.

After a little brainstorming, a lot of costume designing, and a medium amount candy consuming (ok, ok, a lot of candy consuming too), I came up with the Pure Fix Halloween Costume Contest!
Here’s how it will work: Below, I’ve posted some of the Pure Fix team dressed in their idea of the best costume. We need you to decide who truly, honestly, no lies, has the best costume.





Miltong and Jennet