Pure Fix + MODIFY, Sitting in a Tree...

It’s that time again, that special day when you do something special for that special someone…or someones (don’t hate the player!).  Here at Pure Fix, we’ve decided to spread the love on this, the day of Cupid, and we’re teaming up with our friends at MODIFY WATCHES to give back.

We're giving away FREE matching MODIFY watches with the purchase of any Sierra, Tango or Charlie on the site with code 'MODIFY' at checkout. Easy as Valentine's day pie!

From now until March 1st, Pure Fix + MODIFY are donating a part of the proceeds for every Charlie, Sierra, and Tango sold on the site.  And that donation is going to an organization that is doing awesome work all over the world, LOVE146.  Their mission, “The abolition of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less.”

We love what Love146 is working for, and we love MODIFY for working with us to help such an awesome cause.

But more than that, we love, well, love!  So make like a butter knife and spread it.  Pick up a bike, give back to an awesome charity, and grab a sick watch while you’re at it.

Your heart, your wrist, and your eyes will thank you.

Happy V-Day!

Pure Fix + MODIFY

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