Outside Lands!

It's a big weekend for us. Big. It's Outside Lands weekend! Who's going up to SF to meet us? Well, we're totally pumped and here's why.

1. Paul McCartney. Ever heard of The Beatles? Hope so. Paul is 71 years old and playing in front of thousands of people at one of the biggest stages in the world, and is 40+ years older than the average age of anyone at Pure Fix. Plus, his music rules. Our song to look out for? Live and Let die. See you there.

2. Gary Clark Jr. This dude rocks. This dude shreds. I've never heard someone shred so hard on one chord, ever. He's young, up and coming, and is an amazing performer. If you're in San Fran this weekend, don't miss his show. Song to look out for? Bright Lights & You Saved Me.

3. The National. These guys, man. These guys. Let's take it down a notch. The National are from Cincinnati and reside in Brooklyn (love you, BK). Not only that, they consist of two pairs of brothers! We have 2 sets of brothers at Pure Fix, too, so that's super close to our hearts, obviously. Check out Fake Empire and enjoy!

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