Jason Takes New York - Part 1

It’s that time again! When I hand over the blog reins to our resident racer, Jason, for a recap of his recent adventures. In this installment, Jason takes us to New York where he spent the weekend riding the city, hanging with the locals, and racing the Red Hook Crit. Take it away, Jason!

Part 1: The Messenger Study

I couldn’t wait to get to New York. As soon as I was off the plane, I dropped my luggage at the apartment and rode straight to The Messenger Study art show at Pips. My homie Johnnie, who was visiting from California, hit me up to join the festivities.  

The photo-journalist/artist/mastermind of this study, Cordell Murray, wanted to capture a creative new perspective of the cyclists who work from their saddles every day in the Big Apple, the messengers. 

Riders of all types, shapes, and sizes would lay on the ground, surrounded by every item they were carrying on their bikes, in their bags, and in their pockets. Cordell’s hope was to showcase the unique tools different cyclists carry to survive comfortably in the urban jungle, and to examine the relationships between a rider’s personality, profession, and possessions.

Cordell has already documented over 40 riders and plans to shoot 80 more messengers by the end of the year. A unique collection, focused on highlighting those that flow through the city streets like fish in an ever-moving stream. 

At the exhibit, the one and only Johnnie was even able to see his own portrait being sold! The vibe at the show was very genuine and everyone had kind words about what the study has accomplished so far and high hopes for the future. 

For a deeper look at the man behind the work, check out Cordell Murray’s adventures on Instagram at stayalivenyc.

He has so much cool stuff to see and, who knows, maybe you'll be the next rider he immortalizes on film...assuming you're a messenger.

New York was off to a great start. In Part 2, we’ll hit the Red Hook Crit for same racing!

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