Stop By Our Bike to Work Day Pit Stop!

Tomorrow is Bike to Work Day in LA! This Thursday, thousands of Angelenos will ditch their cars and make the trek to work on two wheels. Sure, for some of us it’s just another day of getting to the office, but for many others it’s an opportunity to explore the city by bike for the first time!

There are events all week, but the big fun on Thursday will be at the Bike to Work Day Pit Stops! Metro, to encourage people to get out there and try biking, sets up a series of stops for commuters on Bike to Work Day with refreshments, goodies, bike maps, and more. This year, we’re excited to be a part of it and we’ll have our very own Pit Stop at Pure Fix HQ from 7a-10a where we’ll be giving out goodie bags, High-Brew Coffee, shouting support, and snapping portraits of the bikes of Burbank!

We’re just past the Burbank end of the Chandler Bike Path, so if Chandler and Victory is on your route (or close enough that you want to make a detour) swing by tomorrow morning on your way to work for a little caffeine, encouragement, or just to say “Hi”!

If you’re elsewhere in LA, check the map above to find the pit stops closest to your route and if you live in another town… I’m sorry. Check with your city to see what they’re doing to celebrate Bike to Work Day, let us know in the comments, and hopefully it’s just as awesome!

If you need some tips on getting prepped for tomorrow's ride, check out our top ten commuting tips on the Pure City blog and we'll see ya tomorrow!

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