Riders of the Week

We'll be losing an hour this weekend and that made riders all over the world hustle out to take advantage of this week's full allotment of minutes. There were a ton of amazing #purefix pictures and we've got 4 brand new Riders of the Week to crown!

@Antonioknoxx got elevated and Superman'd his X-Ray into our hearts, @cavekitchen got the whole fam out for a cruise on her Papa and Abbey, @nickhughesmedia caught his Wallace being real photogenic on the train platform, and @jonathanlnrd spent a day cruising the streets with @elkittyjack.



They're all in the running for March's Rider of the Month honors and all the goodies that go with it! If you're ready to toss your helmet into the ring, get riding! Take and tag those #purefix pics for your chance to be featured right here next week and be in the game at the end of the month!

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